NEW National Instruments 'AT-GPIB/TNT+ '
Single-Board GPIB Interface and Analyzer
MRSP: $795.00
The National
Instruments AT-GPIB/TNT is a high-performance IEEE 488 interface for PCs
with ISA slots. The NI TNT4882C ASIC makes the AT-GPIB/TNT a
maximum-performance IEEE 488.2 interface board. The TNT4882C chip performs
the basic IEEE 488 Talker, Listener, and Controller functions required by
the most recent GPIB specification, IEEE 488.2. The AT-GPIB/TNT can sustain
data transfer rates greater than 1.5 Mbytes/s using the IEEE 488.1 3-wire
handshake. The AT-GPIB/TNT also implements the high-speed GPIB protocol
(HS488). There are three versions of the AT-GPIB/TNT - the AT-GPIB/TNT (Plug
and Play), which features a jumperless configuration; the legacy AT-GPIB/TNT,
which uses DIP switches and jumpers to configure the interface; and the AT-GPIB/TNT+,
which is a combination of an AT-GPIB/TNT (Plug and Play) and a GPIB analyzer
in one board. All three interfaces contain identical GPIB interface

Here for PDF Spec Sheet