Ballantine 6127B
Programmable 1Ghz
Oscilloscope Calibrator

This calibrator provides a wide range of functions allowing
the callibration of scopes up to 1Ghz. Although this unit provides
many cal functions by itself. Many options require specific heads not
included. Since this is a current product, these heads and operating
manuals are easily obtained from
This unit is in good electrical and mechanical condition.
Although it does have a few scrapes and scratches on the case and a small crack
in the front panel membrane which can be seen in the photos.

The BLI 6127B is an accurate and simple way to calibrate a
wide variety of oscilloscopes from low frequency units to instruments bandwidths
over 1 GHz. The 6127B provides a variety of signals of precise voltage, current,
timing and waveshape. The 6127B can be operated manually or automatically using
the IEEE-488 interface and Ballantines automated software SCOPE-CAL™. Time
saving controlls include computation of percent deviation, repeat step
increment, self checking and warning of invalid entries.

Maximum adaptability. Checks any scope from general purpose to
advanced 1 GHz units.
Cuts calibration time and cost. Halves test time. Speeds throughput
to 5 times when programmed.
Easy conversion to SCOPE-CALTM,
Ballantine's Automated Oscilloscope Calibration Software
Over 300 free procedures
Manual or IEEE 488 GPIB operation.
User friendly µP based panel computes calibration errors, self
checks, flags invalid entries.

Product Specifications
Volts/Division Mode
Used for calibration of vertical
display accuracy and attenuator compensation.
High Impedance Output (into 1 MW):
): ): ): Range: 40 µV to 200 V in 1, 2, 5 steps with multiplier
Low Impedance Output (into 50 Low
Impedance Output (into 50 Low Impedance Output (into 50 Low Impedance Output
(into 50 W): ): Range: 40 µV to 5 V in 1, 2, 5 steps with multiplier
Multiplier: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 divisions
Amplitude Accuracy: ±0.25% of reading ±1 µV
Variable Amplitude Deviation: Variable Range of ±9.9%. Digital deviation meter
provides resolution of 0.1%.
Waveforms: Selectable outputs for all output levels. Square wave of 10 Hz, 100
Hz, 1 kHz, and 10 kHz. DC positive polarity. DC negative polarity.

Time/Division Mode
Real Time Markers for calibration of oscilloscope timebase accuracy and
checking high frequency triggering.
Output Marker: 500 psec to 5 sec in 1, 2, 5 sequence
Marker Amplitude: ³1
V pk into 50 W, 2 nsec to 5 sec >350 mV pk-to-pk at 1 nsec (1 GHz)
>100 mV pk-to-pk at 500 psec (2 GHz)
Accuracy: ±0.005% of reading ±10 psec (2 nsec to 5 sec), ±0.005% of reading
±20 psec (0.5 nsec to 1 sec)
Variable Time Deviation: Variable deviation range of ±9.9% for marker and
trigger period. Digital deviation meter provides resolution of 0.1%.
Timing Reference
Internal Time Base: An internal temperature compensated 10 MHz crystal
oscillator provides accuracy of ±0.002% and long term stability to better than
1 part in 10-5 per month after 72 hours and temperature stability
of better than 1 part in 10-5 from +4°C to +40°C after a one hour
External Timing Reference: Input: 10 MHz, Input Amplitude: 1 V to 10 V rms.,
Source Impedance: 50 W
Milliamperes/Division (Current Amplitude Mode)
Used to test current probe accuracy through front panel current loop.
Current Ranges: 1 mA to 100 mA in 1, 2, 5 steps with multiplier
Multiplier: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 divisions
Accuracy: ±0.25% of reading ±2 µA
Frequency: ±DC: Squarewave of 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, and 10 kHz

Calibrator Mode
For use with 61272C Amplitude Comparator Head to test accuracy of
oscilloscope's internal calibrator signal.
Amplitude Range: High Impedance: ±40 µV to ±200 V in 1, 2, 5 sequence
Low Impedance (50 Low Impedance (50
W): ): Low Impedance (50 Low Impedance (50 W): ):
): ): ±40 µV to ±5 V in 1, 2, 5 sequence
Accuracy (Amplitude): ±0.25% of reading ±1µV
Accuracy of 50 Accuracy of 50
W Impedance: Impedance: ±1%
Frequency of UUT Calibrator Waveform: DC to >2 MHz
Frequency of Calibration Waveform: 1 kHz squarewave
Comparison Mode: Compares output of Volts/Div generator and calibrator of
scope under test. Comparison is switched automatically at 100 Hz or alternate
on command.
Low Distortion Pulse Mode
Used to test oscilloscope attenuator compensation and input amplifier
Low Edge (Amplitude Mode) |
High Edge (Amplitude Mode) |
Range |
20 mV to 1 V pk-to-pk in 1, 2, 5 steps |
1.2 V to 100 V pk-to-pk in 1, 2, 5 steps |
Multiplier |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 divisions |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 divisions |
Risetime |
£1.3 nsec
from 100 mV to 1 V into 50 W
nsec from 20 mV to 50 mV into 50 W |
<100 nsec |
Load Resistance |
n/a |
£1 MW
load shunted by less than 18 pF |
Polarity |
Positive transition from negative voltage to
ground |
Positive transition from negative voltage to
ground |
Output Impedance |
50 W
±1% |
n/a |
Waveshape |
Squarewave with 50% duty cycle |
Squarewave with 50% duty cycle. Leading edge
aberrations within 2% of pk-to-pk. |
Aberrations |
±2% of squarewave amplitude after first 1.5
nsec |
±2% of squarewave amplitude after first 1.5
nsec |
Long Term Flatness |
Droop and tilt within ±0.5% |
Droop and tilt within ±0.5% after first 500
nsec |
Frequency |
10 Hz to 1 MHz to 6 decade steps |
10 Hz to 100 kHz in 5 decade steps |
Fast Rise Pulse
The Fast Rise Pulse Head provides a fast rise, low distortion pulse used
for testing high bandwidth vertical amplifiers.
Amplitude: 1.1 V pk-to-pk, ±5%, adjustable ±10% into 50
Risetime: <180 psec into 50
Waveshape: Output is positive squarewave 50% duty cycle. Leading edge
aberrations are less than ±2% of amplitude not exceeding 4% pk-to-pk.
Frequency: 10 Hz to 1 MHz in 6 decade steps
Trigger Output
Slaved to frequency of selected mode and marker. Time/Division Mode,
trigger rate fixed at 100 nsec for marker outputs of 100 nsec and faster.
Modes: OFF, x1, +10, +100
Amplitude: ³1 V into 50
Bus Address
Selected by switch accessible on rear panel and displayable on front panel.
100/120/220/240 V ac, ±10%, 50 to 400 Hz, single phase sinusoidal, ~80 W.
Meets or exceeds MIL-T-28800, Type III, Class 5 requirements, including
Reliability and Maintainability. Satisfies EMI requirements per MIL-STD-461.
CE-03, CS01, CS06, RE02, RE03.
Temperature: Operating: 0°C to 50°C, Storage: -55°C to 75°C
Humidity: Operating: 0 to 95% RH to 40°C, Storage: 0 to 95% RH to 50°C
Altitude: Operating: 3 km (10,000 ft), Storage: 15 km (50,000 ft)
Vibration: Operating: 0.015 inches pk-to-pk, 10 Hz to 55 Hz
Shock: Non-Operating: 30 G, 1/2 sine
Size & Weight
133mm (5.22 in) H x 425mm (16.75 in) W x 484mm (19.1 in) D
Weight: 15.2 kg (33.5 lbs.); Shipping: 17.7 kg (39 lbs.)

As our many customers will attest, we will do our very best to resolve any customer problems. But our official policy is: All items sold are guaranteed against D.O.A. only. All claims must be made within 3 days of receipt. All warranties are void if the calibration / warranty seals are broken.
This warranty is void if the seals are broken.
Ascent Concepts and Technologies
is a Research &
Development Lab. As a service to the companies and institutions we work with,
we broker their excess equipment & acting as application specialists on their
new equipment needs. We are now offering quality used equipment to the public
with the same level of professionalism and service. Please feel free to email
at or call Thomas @ 1-303-554-0307 with any Technical questions. Please feel free to email at or call Walt @ 1-720-276-8288 with any Shipping or Logistical questions. We
make every effort to evaluate and guarantee our equipment. Although we do not
provide NIST traceable calibration, we do have in house calibration equipment
and will make every effort to test and verify performance on equipment we sell.
However we do not warranty any items shipped outside the United States. All equipment we sell comes with a three day right of return unless stated
Shipping Policy
Buyer will pay $40.00 packing & shipping
in Continental USA. We will make every effort to ship within 24 hours of receipt of
payment. We ship with FedEx & UPS only. We will be glad to ship with other carriers using the purchasers shipping account. Please
contact us to make any special shipping arrangements. For shipping rate research, our shipping address is Boulder, CO USA ---- Zip Code is 80305.
Foreign buyers: Unless special provisions have
been made, you are responsible for making your own shipping arrangements and all
costs related to customs, duties & special packaging requirements. Please do not ask us to quote you international shipping rates. Use the address information above to research you own shipping rates. You can email to get the packaging fee, package weight and size for your research. Items sold outside the USA are sold as is.
Payment Policy
We accept Credit Card payment through Paypal. We accept Cashiers Check or Money Orders.