HP 54622D 2+16
100 MHz Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope
Reserve Price

* HP 54622D Oscilloscope
* (1) Dual 54620-61601 Logic Analyzer
* (2) 10073A 500MHz Probes
* (32) Micrograbbers
* User's, Programmer's, & Service Manuals (unopened in wrappers)
* Front Cover
* HP N2757A GPIB Interface Module
Click Here For HP 54600-Series Data Sheet

This unit is in both excellent physical and
electrical condition with one exception, on power-up, a display appears stating
the unit is out of calibration and it fails its "self-cal". This may be due to
the fact that this unit is a production Prototype (#1) I fully fully
tested this scope for both Freq, Amplitude, Triggering and Math
functions and the scope performed flawlessly. It is "very clean" all around
but may some minor glitches due to the proto type nature of this unit other than
the display but I couldn't find any.
The Agilent 54622D 2+16 channel,
100 MHz Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope (MSO), with two scope channels and 16 logic
timing channels, uniquely combines the detailed signal analysis of a scope with
the multi-channel timing measurements of a logic analyzer. It lets you trigger
on and view the complex interactions among your signals on up to 18 channels
simultaneously. The 54622D is ideally suited for CPLD and MCU based
applications. This unit is decked with 22 measurement functions and advance math
including FFT measurements.
* Unique 2+16 channel MSO model
* 100 MHz
* Patented high-definition
display with superior horizontal resolution
* 4 MB of MegaZoom deep memory
mapped to 32 levels of intensity, 25 million vectors/sec.
* Powerful, flexible triggering
including I²C, SPI, LIN, CAN and USB
* Standard built-in floppy,
RS-232 and parallel ports, FFT's
* Quick Help in 11 languages