Wavetek 852-01
Dual Hi-Lo Filter

The 852 Dual Hi/Lo Variable Filter consist of two identical filter channels
contained in a common cabinet. Each filter channel has separate input/output
terminals, offers high pass and low pass functions, 0 dB and 20 dB gain,
Butterworth/Flat Delay responses and 3-digit resolution for cutoff frequency
selection. The unit covers the
• Cuttoff Frequency Range of 0.1Hz to 111kHz.
• Rolloff is 48 dB/octave/channel.
• Resolution 3 digits
• Dynamic Range: 90 dB
• Low Noise
Other Notes:
The Wavetek 852-01 has been tested and is fully functional, but it is an
older unit and the switches may be a little dirty. Physically, this unit has has
a few dings and one knob is missing the cosmetic face. We offer a 3-day working
warranty on the Wavetek Filter.
